Enterprise Architect (EA) is a product of SparxSystems Ltd, based in Creswick, Australia, and is a software modeling tool designed primarily for UML modeling.

A UML model stored in an EA repository can be processed by ShapeChange, using the Java API of EA. There is no particular need to export the UML model to some format before processing the UML model.

However, if the model content is fix, i.e. it does not change anymore (e.g. in case of a particular published version of the model) you may want to consider exporting the model to SCXML and to publish this additional model format alongside the EA repository, for processing with ShapeChange. For further details, see this page.

To process Enterprise Architect models with ShapeChange, the steps to do so depend on the version of Java you’d like to use. If you have a 64bit machine, then we recommend using 64bit Java.

  • 64bit Java:

    • Copy the file SSJavaCOM64.dll located in <EA installation folder>/Java API to <Windows folder>/System32 (on a 64-bit machine).

  • 32 bit Java:

    • Copy the file SSJavaCom.dll located in <EA installation folder>/Java API to <Windows folder>/System32 (on a 32-bit machine) or to <Windows folder>/SysWOW64 (on a 64-bit machine).

If you are searching for a 32bit JDK, take a look at the JDKs from Adoptium. They provide 32bit OpenJDKs for Java.